1. Install WHM/cPanel, normally will take about 10-15 minutes to finish the installation
- just type a simple command below to proceed on the installation, but before you start make sure there are few things need to be done, hostname and NetworkManager
> type hostnamectl set-hostname <my-hostname.server> to set your hostname
> type systemctl stop NetworkManager and systemctl disable NetworkManager
- this command is to proceed on the installation of WHM/cPanel >
> cd /home && curl -o latest -L https://securedownloads.cpanel.net/latest && sh latest
2. Once you typed the command your installation is working now
3. Once the installation is done you will able to see the URL to access your WHM/cPanel
4. Paste the URL to your browser and you will able to login to the site, the login credential is same as your server root login