Login to DirectAdmin.
1) Click the "Manage User Packages" and "add package" after save it
2) Click the icon ‘Add New User’ from the section ‘Account Manager’ (Dashboard / Domain management)
3) Enter the domain details and click ‘Submit’ button.
4) Click the "Show All User" from the section and login your created domain "example.com"
5) You had done to login your domain user
6) Go to "E-mail Manager" and click "E-mail Account"
7) To create new email account → Click on "Create Account"
8) Enter required information,
Username: Enter the prefix of email account (Example: [email protected]).
Password: Enter the strong password for the email account.
Email Quota: Specify the Disk Space allocation for the email account.
Send Limit: Specify sending limit for an email account.
after done fill in the required information may click "CREATE ACCOUNT"