SSL Wildcard Certificate
SSLWhat is a SSL Wildcard Certificate? A SSL Wildcard certificate is a single certificate with a wildcard character in the domain name field. This allows the certificate to secure multiple sub domain names (hosts) pertaining to the same base domain.
For example, a wildcard certificate for *.(domainname).com, could be used for www.(domainname).com, mail.(domainname).com, store.(domainname).com, in addition to any additional sub domain name in the (domainname).com.
When should I request a SSL Wildcard Certificate? A {SSL} Wildcard certificate should be considered an option when looking to secure a number of sub domains, such as 'secure.(domainname).com', 'www.(domainname).com', and 'mail.(domainname).com' with a single certificate.
The format of the common name entered for the SSL Wildcard Certificate will be '*.(domainname).com'.